Henry Ward Beecher -
We are always in the forge or on the anvil; by trials God is shaping us for higher things.
To be hones it's easy to see that most anxieties and depression aren't based on chemical imbalances in our bodies which forces us to act and respond inappropriately. In fact they usuall come from mental batlles within ourselves about what we consider is good or bad, proper or improper and what's responsible or irresponsible behavior. Because of this we can have hope, we can choose how we will respond to the difficulties we are facing.
Life rewards us for action Intending to do something isn't enough. Henry Ford once said: "You can't build a reputation on what you intend to do." Don't get so wrapped in mind games and end up forgetting practical daily living. We must have the desire to change our way of thinking and our behaviour.
The problem though is that although people may know what is wrong in their lives they might not change. Just to have knowledge is not enough. Action is required, one needs to choose to change.
What I am trying to say is, purerly thinking about something or talking about it isn't enough. You can even have very strong feelings about an issue but it won't change your situation. It is up to us to take action by choosing to change because it will bring health and freedom. Don't let anything hinder or restrain you and don't be fooled that you can't do anything about your situation.
It is time to stop feeding your mind with negative thoughts and fears of the future and stop focusing on the hurts and losses that you have experienced. Get rid of thoughts of self-abuse, self-doubt and self-indulgence.
It's time to focus on self-control, self-determination and self-sacrifice. It's time for healthy thoughts and a positive attitude. You might say but it's easier said than done. Yes it's not an easy road but if it was easy your character and stamina won't be built.
To experience true emotional well-being we have to work at it. We have to excercise having new thoughts. We need to surround ourselves with positive people. We also need to break through the barriers of anxiety and depression and choose to change our thinking.
Yes it might be difficult and at times seem impossible but you have to push through so that you can experience emotional health. You have the ability to develop a habit of a positive spirit which leads to producing a lifestyle of inner peace.
I have recently read that someone once said: "There is no such thing as a problem that doesn't have a gift in it". Ask yourself - are you ready to discover that gift and do you think you can learn something from your anxiety and depression?
I want to leave you with this quote from Hellen Keller --
Experiencing a great sorrow is like entering a cave. We are overwhelmed by the darkness and loneliness. We feel that there is no escape from the prisonhouse of pain. But God in His loving kindness has placed on the invisible wall the lamp of faith, whose beams shall lead us back to the sunlit world, where work and friends and service await us.