We can't deny that life is filled with stress, difficulty and pressure and it is difficult to escape its influence.
On a daily basis we can be confronted with many forms of stress, for example:
- Family relationships
- Physical illness
- Accidents
- Natural disasters
- Cell phones
- E-mails
- Sms'
- WhatsApp's
- Long lines
- Road Rage
- Noise
- Hectic schedules & meetings
- Overcrowding
- Barking dogs
- Children with temper tantrums etc.
Intersetingly enough though is that there are some stress and in certain amounts that are actually good and healthy for us. When we know we have an upcoming test or evaluation it will cause us to study and work harder and be more diligent. When we do "dangerous" sports for example we sharpen our focus and coordination to prevent an accident. This kind of stress adds fun, excitement as well as productivity in our lives.
On the other hand undue stress has detrimental effects on our lives. It affects us physically, emotionally and spiritually and eventually creates anxiety and depression.
Stress doesn't happen over night, it gradually builds up over time and has a residual quality which eventually affects our physical bodies.
There are many warning signals when you are stressed - I will only mention a few as it is a very long list:
* boredom
* irritability
* depression
* nervousness
* impatience
* heartburn
* heart-pounding
* nausea
* sweating
* fainting
* arthritis
* back pain
* cramps
* fidgeting
* stiff neck
* headaches
* cold sores
* compulsiveness
* exhaustion
* frequent colds
* heart disease low spiritual life
* neglecting friends, family, excercise, fund & health
* high alcohol use
* obesity
* obsessiveness
* jumpiness
Instead of allowing stress to hamper you and to keep you in its tight grip - step out and talk to someone. You don't have to face this alone.
A little take away:
Thomas F. Woodlock said - Times of stress and difficulty are seasons of opportunity when the seeds of progress are sown.