Goodfellow says the following in her devotional - The Path of the Pilgrim
I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me.
Phillipians 4:13 (One of my favourite scriptures)
There are times in our lives when we begin to doubt our ability to do anything effectively. Though we may have been doing that tas for a long time, we suddenly doubt that we can continue do so so. In these moments of uncertainty, God comes to fill our hearts with His peace. He can do all things, and His touch of love assures us that our feelings and anxiety are only temporary.
He has given us a task to do. He has sustained us all the time, and He will continue to help and guide us in the days ahead. We mustn't rely on our own ability but on God who gives us whatever is needed to fulfill the task. His peace brings calmness to us, anc we can rise and get on with the work He wants us to do.
Your presence, Lord, gives me the strength to do what You require of me. Though there are times of uncertainty, here in Your presence these feelings fade away as Your calmness brings peace to my soul. Amen
I trust that this encourages you. May the Lord of peace hold you tightly in His embrace.